Front: Vivian, Ivy, Alyssa, Raj
Middle: Priya, Sam K., Kevin, Joan, Karina, Susan, Jenny
Back: Michelle, Claire, Stanley, Alex, Mayuko, Sam P., Mathew, Dennis
Not shown: Ammar, Sarah, Timothy
Ivy Pham, President
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Public Health
Service passions: Reducing health disparities, youth empowerment programs for at-risk students, mental health, suicide prevention and awareness
Why Rotaract: Rotaract is my home away from home- it helps me do what I love and love what I do with amazing individuals. I’m able to actively serve the underserved and get involved in creative and dynamic Rotaract service projects with those who genuinely care. This organization, this family, holds a special place in my heart because it filled my first year at Cal with so many growing experiences and unforgettable memories- laughing 24/7, meeting my best friends, mulching a rose garden, making survival paracord bracelets (that hold up to 50 pounds!), planning the A-Z of Interact Stayover for 70 high schoolers, dressing up for banquet, and attending a Berkeley Rotary luncheon meeting! I’m forever thankful to be part of Rotaract because it we change the world for the better, cultivate each other’s service passions, connect with other service scouts, fortify foundations for future generations… and have a blast while doing so!
About Me: I’m a silly and dorky person who likes to try new ice cream flavors (unless Matcha Green tea is present), hike (on my good days) new trails, bake pre-cut and pre-made cookies and smile. A lot. I really enjoy spending time with my phamily and friends- they help me stay grounded and push me to be my best self. A few of my life favorites include scenic drives, dessert dates, music concerts, waterfall chasing, succulent pets, comedies and jumping pictures. Some things I’m looking forward to are: studying abroad one day, starting a weekly yoga/running routine, relearning how to speak Spanish, going on more foodie adventures, becoming a corgi mama and above all else, meeting you! Don’t be a stranger (◕‿◕✿)
Vivian Nguyen, Internal Vice President
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Intended Public Health
Service Passions: Anything hands-on! Working with youngsters or the elderly, restoration/clean-up projects, soup kitchens, etc.
Why Rotaract: Service is life. My high school did not have a very big Interact club, so I did not hear about it until my last semester of senior year -_- bummer. BUT, I did hear about Cal Rotaract through Reann and my Berkeley Rotarian mentors, so that’s how I was introduced. During my first semester of Rotaract, I was able to serve my community with other people who are just as passionate about service as I am. And I chose to stay in Rotaract for that very reason. There’s so much love going around ~(^-^)~♥♥
About me: I was born and raised for 13 years in Oakland, and then moved to Berkeley for middle school. Yes, I could literally walk home anytime. I know I may seem like the lazy bum type who despises doing anything that requires a lot of energy, but it turns out I’m quite the explorer. I’ve zip-lined upside down before and even kayaked, white-water rafted, and surfed without knowing how to swim. So if any of you are into this stuff, let me know! Otherwise, it’s lazy bum status for me all day everyday because I won’t be very motivated until I have a buddy to do stuff with :O Be sure to say hi to me~ I promise I don’t bite. Let’s have funsies this semester! -Love, Vivz ♥
Alyssa Liu, External Vice President
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Legal Studies and Political Economy
Service Passions: International Human Rights, and social justice for Asian-American women’s rights
Why Rotaract: I chose Rotaract because of its connections with Rotary International and how its large network of professionals and productive members of society are able to inspire and create progress through one similar interest of volunteerism. I don’t plan on leaving soon and I encourage everybody to check us out!
About Me: Everything you need to know about me can be observed from an interaction between me and any dog or any of my housemates. Colleagues have endorsed me on linkedin for my variety of skills including “public speaking”, “social media”, as well as “dank memes”. Despite my impressive skills on linkedin, I’m constantly trashing on my job prospects in the future as an out of state student unable to pay off her student loans. I am from Houston, Texas, specifically, a suburb called Sugar Land, Texas. As liberal trash, I have a lot of qualms with the state of Texas, but if you want to fight, I dare you to say our flag or our drivers license is ugly. I have “open office hours” every Friday morning at Elmwood Cafe where you can catch me trying to be cultured if you want to just talk and get to know each other. I’m trying to make this a thing, so help me!!
Raj Aurora, External Affairs Vice President
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology, Neurobiology
Service Passions: Relief aid for impoverished areas, global access to clean water, significant improvements in access to healthcare.
Why Rotaract: Rotaract is an organization that provides opportunities to make a difference at a much larger-than-self level. Volunteering with Rotaract not only grants me personal fulfillment for helping others, but gives me a family like community, making my time here unforgettable. Furthermore, Rotaract is the collegiate level of Rotary International, an immensely powerful network of successful individuals who share the will to enact positive change. Being a part of Rotaract is aligning myself with such an organization. Joining Rotaract truly has truly been my best decision in college.
About Me: I was born in Thousand Oaks (near LA) but then lived the second half of my life in the bay area (San Carlos, it’s on the peninsula). I have a twin brother, I know, it’s crazy. If you see me or him, say hi, we’ll probably respond. I enjoy a lot of types of food, but have to pin my favorites as Italian, Thai or Chipotle. I am a huge fan of the sciences, so if you wanna talk Chem, bio, or physics, I’m in. I am currently super intrested in the molecular underpinnings of cancer, specifically breast cancer. Outside of class, I also conduct research at UCSF. Let me know if you ever have questions about chemistry, biology, being a premed student, or scheduling classes! Finally, I am more than excited to serve as Cal Rotaract’s Vice President of External Affairs for 2016. Let’s do this!
Jenny Zong, Human Relations
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Economics
Service Passions: Social Justice, Mental Health, Environmental Issues
Why Rotaract: Doing service helped me find meaning in my life and made me feel happy. Ever since I joined Cal Rotaract, I’ve found so many opportunities to make differences and a community that share my service passion, and I’ve been constantly inspired by fellow members, different service partners we worked with, Rotarians, Interactors… It’s definitely one of the best decisions I made in college!
About Me: Hey y’all! I’m an international student from southern part of China. I am greatly looking forward to this coming year and can’t wait to meet y’all beautiful people and see how many amazing things we’ll accomplish! Aside from service, I am a big fan of music, especially rap and kpop, movies and crime tv shows. I am not much of a talker but I love listening to stories and I am very good at keeping secrets;) Let me know if you need someone to talk to!
Claire Yoshioka, Design Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Undeclared
Service Passions: Education, climate change, health care…basically, making the world a better place!
Why Rotaract: I joined Rotaract because, as a Spring Admit, I was looking for ways to meet new people. Since I’ve always loved community service, Rotaract was a perfect fit! Everyone in this club is super friendly so from the start, I felt as though I belonged. Rotaract is my home away from home!
About Me: Hello~ it’s me, your Design Chair, Claire! As a design intern last semester, I am super duper excited and honored to be serving as 2016’s Design Chair!!! I was born and raised in San Jose (yay Bay Area!) and I have lived an average life so far. I love anything that has to do with food, dogs, Warriors, and Disney, and during my free time I’m either sleeping, snacking, watching YouTube/Netflix, or doodling. I guess that pretty much sums me up! And one more thing – I can’t wait to meet all of you!!
Dennis Tan, Webmaster
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Service Passions: Education, animal welfare, combatting depression and homelessness
Why Rotaract: Rotaract is full of awesome people. Everyone is very warm, friendly, and welcoming and collectively we foster an undeniably positive atmosphere. You can literally walk into a Rotaract meeting feeling horrible after a bad day and come out feeling relaxed and happy that you know you’re making a positive impact on the world. I believe that service is a way of life – it’s something bred into us to do good and make the world a better place, to give back to society for all the good fortune that has come to us in life. And you just can’t beat the fact that Rotaract is a place where there’s tons of opportunities to engage in rewarding activities and meet new people, and most importantly to grow as a human being.
About Me: Hi! My name is Dennis and I really love three things: computer science (especially artificial intelligence), education (in terms of both learning and teaching), and community service (Rotaract…). These things are really starting to define who I am, so hit me up and we can have a long chat! Other things I like include fantasy novels, anime, strategy games, badminton and volleyball, running and hiking, and of course meeting new people. Some activities I’m involved with on campus are undergraduate research in robotics with Pieter Abbeel, spreading CS education to local middle school and high schools as the public relations officer of ANova, and working on a fun RTS Android game that will hopefully be released by the end of this semester!
Kevin Pham, Treasurer
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Intended Public Health and Business
Service Passions: Equal opportunities for education and healthcare!!
Why Rotaract: I actually started off in Key Club at my high school, and since then I’ve always loved community service. Coming into college, I wanted to continue this passion and I had always heard about two amazing service organizations here on campus called Circle K and Rotaract and couldn’t decide. However Rotaract just happened to fit better with my schedule and here I am! Honestly, a lot of the organizations here on campus are the same structurally, but the people in Rotaract are what really make this organization shine.
About Me: Hi! I’m lactose intolerant and I was born in Nashville, Tennessee where I lived for 10 years before moving to Orange County in Southern California! I enjoy long walks on the beach and deep emotional talks at 3AM. I love food, whether it be trying out new or interesting foods, or just going around to my favorite places. If you’re ever looking for a meal, hit me up! I’m excited to meet and get to know all of you amazing people and don’t be afraid to say hi if you don’t know me!
Priya Natarajan, Historian

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Intended Public Health
Service Passions: Education, Working with Children and Elderly, Environmental Projects, and other fields where I can make a direct impact
Why Rotaract: Because in high school I participated in Interact, District 5170 forever!! (Except now I’m District 5160 :)) I really enjoyed the feel of a close knit family within Interact and loved the fact that we could make such a direct impact in our own communities as well as worldwide. I wanted to continue my service throughout college too and decided to join Rotaract due to my wonderful experience with Interact!
About Me: My name is Priya, yes like the Toyota Prius. I bet this is totally obvious, but I was actually born in South India, Chennai, and moved to the US when I was one year old. I am from Fremont, CA, which is about 45 minutes south of Berkeley. I fluently speak Tamil, one of the hundreds of dialects in India, without an accent. I have mad communication skills, although I tend to mispronounce words sometimes. I absolutely love Indian food and know all the wonderful Indian food places in the Bay Area! So if you ever miss good Indian food, hit me up!! In my free time, I love to listen to Bollywood music, hang out with friends, watch Netflix, cook and bake, make jewelry, and read fun fiction. I am absolutely stoked to meet tons of new people this year! Ohhh and if you ever need some advertising, a special post dedicated to you on Instagram or Facebook, LinkedIn head shots, or a new profile picture let me know! I could totally make that happen! 🙂
Joan Hu, Local Committee Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Intended Business
Service Passions: I’m passionate about working with middle school and high school students, especially in regards to being an academic peer mentor that helps increase educational opportunities. I also like to volunteer with organizations involved with local hands-on service projects, such as soup pantries or soup kitchens.
Why Rotaract: The mindset of “service before self” developed in high school when I first joined Interact Club. It continued to follow me when I got to college, which pushed me to find a group of like-minded people that had the same mentality as I do. Like many other members, the main reason I continued on with Rotaract was because of the “home away from home” feeling that I felt that I was familiar with. Cal Rotaract provided me with the perfect balance of family and service, a club that was devoted to achieving both aspects.
About Me: Hi! I’m Joan and I’m one of the co-chairs for local committee this year with Sam. I’m from southern California, more specifically, Murrieta, a small suburb in the middle of Los Angeles and San Diego. That being said, I love exploring new areas, especially if it has anything to do with hiking, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, or just plain old beaching. I’d be down to try some new things in the bay area, like finding a new hiking trail or trying to go to the beach. Also, I like to try different kinds of food in Berkeley or around San Francisco. But to accommodate to all the food that I like to eat, I like to go to the gym a lot during the week. If you ever need some motivation, feel free to reach out to me!
Sam Kim, Local Committee Co-Chair

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Molecular Cell Biology
Service Passions: Human Rights, Relieving Poverty, Education, Equality for all. Just wanna help anyone in any way.
Why Rotaract: Rotaract is an awesome club that you can just be yourself in. You don’t have to put on a show or fake anything to “fit in.” You can join and just immerse yourself in a wonderful community to provide meaningful service to yourself and others. Plus, Rotaract is kinda great.
Service Passions: Human Rights, Relieving Poverty, Education, Equality for all. Just wanna help anyone in any way.
About Me: What’s good?! I’m Sam. I’m from SoCal, Moreno Valley to be exact. I love to explore, be outdoors, workout and play sports. But I also love to be home, cook, watch sports, and watch netflix and chill. But no matter where I go, my life revolves around food, staring at it, and then devouring it. So…if any of these appeal to you, get @ me.
Mathew Madain, International Committee Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Peace and Conflict Studies
Service Passions: disaster recovery, refugee assistance, education, environmental protection & conservation, wildlife preservation, global development.
Why Rotaract: Ever since the day I stopped by the CalRotaract Table on Calapalooza, Rotaract struck me as one of Cal’s best student organizations. Its emphasis on service – with its local, international, and professional aspects – is remarkable. Rotaract has the ability to transform you into a more compassionate, informed, productive citizen, to embody “service above self”. Rotarcters are some of the friendliest people on the Cal campus! I hope my position as co-chair of the International Committee will prepare me for a future career in Humanitarian Service.
About Me: I’m a native of Los Angeles, but definitely appreciate the Berkeley life. I’m passionate about traveling, learning about new cultures, and history. I also like to hike and explore nature, and take pictures, too. I can’t wait to meet each member of this year’s Rotaract family – and I hope that this year will be our best!
Ammar Inayatali, International Committee Co-Chair

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Economics, Intended Business
Service Passions: International Development, Microfinance, Access to education
Why Rotaract: I love service… especially when it comes to international development! Rotaract, with is diverse focus both locally and internationally, enabled me to help others both locally and globally. Moreover, its connection with one of the worlds largest development organizations ensures that we receive the support and guidance we need make a difference. The community in Rotaract is incredible and I can assure anyone considering joining that they will love it too!
About Me: I live in a small suburb about half an hour from Toronto- or as most people know it: the “6”. I love playing and following sports, particularly hockey, baseball, tennis, basketball, football, etc. Rotaract is unique because of its multifaceted approach to developing a service community. Not only do we do great work, but we participate in socials, get mentored by accomplished professionals, and host events for the campus community. I look forward to service alongside Matthew Madain as Co-Chair of the International Committee and I hope you join us!
Sam Pajuleras, Fellowship Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology, Integrative Biology
Service Passions: Equal opportunity for the basic necessities of healthcare, mentoring, and spreading happiness!
Why Rotaract: Repping one of the largest community service organizations on the Berkeley campus, Rotaract provides a numerous amount of opportunities for social connections and leadership experience while building an interdependent community. I joined Rotaract because I saw its potential for providing opportunities that can help me in the future, and I noticed how well the club meshes social activities and community service based on my experience in Interact during my senior year of high school.
About Me: Hi! My name’s Sam (enough with “Sam I Am” jokes already), and I am so excited to coordinate the club’s social events for incoming and returning members this spring semester with my fellow co-chair Stanley Ho! I have lived here in the East Bay my entire life, and you can always find me watching a Warriors game at home, attempting to learn a song on the guitar, or imitating Drake’s “Hotline Bling” dance at a party (if I’m not studying). I also love taking a stroll around campus during midterm season to relax and appreciate nature. For the future, I hope to find myself as a practitioner in osteopathic medicine, and I hope to dedicate time for community service when I get older. I hope to meet all of you, and I’m looking forward to venturing this semester of community service with y’all!
Stanley Ho, Fellowship Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Cognitive Science and Computer Science
Service Passions: Education and anything related to helping others
Why Rotaract: Fun fact: I was a KEY clubber, oh no, but coming into college I wanted to branch out and try something new. What exactly? All I knew is that I wanted to give back to the community in some way. Then I learned about Cal Rotaract’s Interact Committee and knew that this change was worth the leap.
About Me: Hey! I’m Stanley and I’m excited to be serving you guys as your Fellowship Co-Chair. I’m from Southern California near the Los Angeles area. I really do like watching Netflix and TV in general. Some of my favorites include: How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, Bones, Game of Thrones, just to name a few. Come talk to me about any show and recommend me something you like, I’m willing to binge-watch anything. Also I’m willing to get boba with anyone, just hit me up!
Susan Wang, Family Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Intended Business
Service Passions: Promoting music education in public schools across the nation
Why Rotaract: During all four years of high school I was actually an Interactor in District 5170! (A2 represent hehe) At first when I arrived at Cal I thought I was ready to move on from Interact, so I was a little hesitant about joining Rotaract. But when I attended one of the general meetings, I knew I just had to join Rotaract because it was the first place on campus where I immediately felt welcomed and accepted, no questions asked. Everyone in Rotaract is incredibly amazing and inspiring. I really feel like I’m a part of a family <3
About Me: Hey everyone! My name is Susan and I am super excited to be the Family Coordinator this semester! I was born in Oakland and raised in a town called Castro Valley that’s about 30 minutes away from Berkeley, so I’ve been in the Bay all my life 🙂 My hobbies include singing, listening to music, binge watching shows on Netflix, going to SF Giants games, traveling, and photography. Aside from service, music is one of my biggest passions in life. After college I plan on working in the music industry 🙂 I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. I’m currently a singer in the University Chorus 🙂 Performing in front of an audience gives me a natural high <3 I absolutely love going to concerts and raves! This past summer I actually won passes to Outside Lands, my first music festival, and it was AMAZING. This June I will be going to EDC and and I absolutely cannot wait! I am also OBSESSED with minions hehe. They are just too darn cute! If you want to talk about music, minions, or just life in general, I’m here for you 🙂 I have a feeling this is going to be an unforgettable semester <3
Timothy Tran, Outreach Chair

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Junior
Major: Cognitive Science
Service Passions: Education, Animal Welfare, Honestly anything else that makes people happy
Why Rotaract: Back in high school I did a lot of volunteer work – Key Club, the local hospital, school events, and tutoring younger students. Coming to Berkeley my free time spent volunteering was replaced with joining professional development clubs, finding things to jolt on my resume, and struggling to settle on a major. Junior year of college I decided it was time for a change of pace – I decided to try and get back into volunteering and give something back to the community, so I joined Rotaract. Though I am older than the average new member, I immediately felt right at home and comfortable with everyone I interacted with. It was this instant feeling of warmth and family that made me want to get more involved with the organization.
About Me: Hi! I’m Tim and I’m really excited to be your new Outreach Chair for 2016. I’m really glad to finally be giving back to the community again after so long and am always down to hang out, try something new, or even just talk! Outside Rotaract my hobbies include binging popular shows on Netflix, coding poorly structured choose your own adventure games, bouldering (newfound hobby – still on V1s), playing with my dog “Puppy”, improving my self created “Truth of Dare Jenga” board game, persuading my housemates to make embarrassing YouTube music videos with me, and transforming into a teenage girl gossiping with my roommate.
Karina Ruiz Garcia, Interact Committee Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Political Science, Spanish Literature
Service Passions: Sustainability, social justice, mental health, education, and female empowerment
Why Rotaract: I joined Interact Club (the high school version of Rotaract) my freshman year and it has been with me ever since. Having the ability of helping others is something that I find fulfilling and it’s what has fueled me in my efforts to continue with service throughout my life.
About Me: HEEYYYOOOOOOO!! I’m Karina and I’m stoked to be a part of the Cal Rotaract officer team! I love coffee (I used to work at a fancy coffee shop in my high school days) so hit me up if you’re trynna find that good spro. I also absolutely love music (I collect records so hmu if you trynna jam), I spend way too much money on concerts and music festivals and I like anything from folk and americana to hip hop and rap and love finding new artists so CHECK OUT MY MIXTAPE FAM (jk I can’t actually play an instrument… YET). I have way too much energy for my own good sometimes so I run the risk of bursting into spontaneous dance or song or both. I also love distance running and finding new places to eat that are vegetarian friendly (meat and dairy low key hate me). I will most likely make terrible puns regularly so be warned! I also grew up in a rural town in Northern California so I absolutely love the outdoors (hmu if you trynna hike or explore!) I also love meeting new people so don’t hesitate to come talk to me!! (sorry in advance if you ever wave to me and I don’t see you, I space out a lot and have horrible eyesight) YAAAAYYYYYY! 🙂
Sarah Yi, Interact Committee Co-Chair

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Intended Integrative Biology
Service Passions: Women Empowerment, Reproductive Rights, Equal Opportunity in Education, Youth Empowerment
Why Rotaract: I’ve been apart of the Interact/Rotaract/Rotary family since the beginning of my high school career! I have received countless opportunities through these amazing organizations and I strive to give back to the organizations who have made me the person I am today. In fact, one of the reasons I chose to attend UC Berkeley was because Cal Rotaract’s Fall 2014 Stayover introduced me to this wonderful University. I have already met so many amazing people in my new Cal Rotaract family and I cannot wait to see what amazing things happen next.
About Me: Hello there, friend! My name is Sarah and avidly love dogs (I have 2), food, swimming, and anything bright green. I love hiking, preferably near waterfalls, and I love going on adventures in the city. My favorite band is OneRepublic, my favorite candy is sour patch kids, and my favorite author is Jonathan Safran Foer. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano (Ludovico Einaudi and Yiruma are my two favorite composers), cooking, and reading a good book while drinking a hot cup of coffee/tea. Welcome to Rotaract, I love you already!
Alex Lazich, Rotary Committee Co-Chair
Contact: [email protected]
Year: Sophomore
Major: Intended Integrative Biology
Service Passions: Before Berkeley my service passion had rotated around giving back to the community. I helped teach citizenship questions to seniors at my local community center and built a greenhouse for my high school as part of my Eagle Scout project. I have wanted to branch out a little at Berkeley and was involved with International Committee and Rotary during my first two semesters here. I really enjoyed Rotary and am hoping to continue and expand its work!
Why Rotaract: As a Spring Admit to Berkeley I wanted to make sure to dive into Berkeley. One of my good friends told me about Rotaract and after attending a general meeting I knew I wanted Rotaract to be a part of my Berkeley experience! In high school service had been a large part of my life and Rotaract meshed service with a fantastic group of friends.
About Me: I am currently trying to pick up photography, so at you might see me helping out our lovely historian Priya document events. I love watching movies, especially old black and white films. I am a huge sports fan and play fantasy for almost every sport, especially football, baseball, and esports. If you have any questions for me feel free to talk to me at any of the meetings!
Mayuko Butterfield, Rotary Committee Co-Chair

Contact: [email protected]
Year: Freshman
Major: Intended Business
Service Passions: I love giving back, and one of the best parts of giving back is being able to see the change you make to the world. That is why I love participating in service projects because it directly affects people’s lives. Of all the projects I’ve done, my favorite one by far has been building prosthetic hands for those in need in third-world countries. Not only was it hands-on, but I was later on able to see a video of someone using the hand I had created! While fundraising for End Polio Now we are able to see the international difference as only 3 countries are left with existing cases of polio! Also, when we volunteer at local shelters, we are immediately able to see the smiles on their faces motivating us to continue our service passions. I suppose all in all my service passion is seeing the difference I can individually make to one person’s life.
Why Rotaract: I joined Rotaract in an effort to reignite the passion I had for Interact! Interact was a huge part of high school for me giving me my friends, inspiring my future profession and prompting me to have many of the meaningful relationships I have today with Rotarians. Giving back is a part of who I am and as Rotaract is the biggest service club at Cal, it fits perfectly! After joining, I stayed because of the bond I had with my family, the amount of service I was able to put in at my own leisure and the close knit committee set up! I hope to develop Rotaract to be an even greater club and show everyone who joins why it means so much to me, in hopes that it will have the same effect on them!
About Me: Hellooooo! I’m Mayuko! Friends say I’m the loud and Netflix type, but I also love to work hard and have meaningful conversations. I’m not one to be shy, but if I don’t catch you, feel free to come and talk with me anytime you like! I love being athletic. In high school, I played soccer and did track (any other pole vaulters out there?) and loved it! I’m trying to recreate that in college utilizing IM soccer and the gym! I do love my movies, and Netflix TV shows are my guilty pleasure. I love food, all food, and also taking pictures! I’m definitely one to stick out like a sore thumb because of my loud voice, but I also love some quiet down time with some good books, hot chocolate, and blankets. Say hi anytime!