Viviana Lademan | Carmel, CA
Freshman | Sustainable Environmental Design
Why Rotaract?
I really enjoy volunteering and being around people who also like to volunteer as well. I like to get more involved with people on the Berkeley campus.
What is your favorite memory from Cal Rotaract?
I like about the Rose Gardens event a lot as we learned a lot about plants which is really interesting. I like the one night where we learned about our families and got to know everyone.
Who is your favorite Rotarian and why?
Honestly everyone because they all bring something so nice to the club.
What committees are you a part of, and why did you decide to join them?
I’m a part of both the international and local committee. For the local committee, I joined because I want to do more hands-on project that impact the Berkeley community and for international, I want learn more and do things that would help the larger community.
Who has had the most positive impact on your life?
I would say my best friend Mia because she is very upbeat and talkative, and it’s very fun to talk to her as she always has like 50 stories lined up.
What is something you’re terrible at but wish you could do well?
I want to be able to go on a very long hike, like backpacking.
What is the dumbest purchase you’ve ever made?
I went to cafe Strada and I was very thirsty, so I got some tea even though I have a hot water heater in my dorm room and my friend has tea. It’s like a 2 minute walk to the dorm room!
If you were a character in a movie, book, or television show, what genre would you live in?
I would say fantasy and sci-fi so I can use magic and travel through time!